Home / Jewish Community and Green Party Meet in Nicosia

Jewish Community and Green Party Meet in Nicosia

Representatives of the Jewish Community of Cyprus have met with MP Charalambos Theopemptou, leader of the Green Party, at his office in Nicosia today.


Among the representatives were the Chief Rabbi of Cyprus’ son, Mr. Menachem Raskin, Mr. Matti Lis, an honorable member of the Larnaca Jewish community, and Mr. Shimon Cohen.


The meeting revolved around the community and party’s shared values, such as human rights and liberties, such as the importance of religious freedom, the environmental issues faced by Cyprus, and how the Jewish community and Green Party can collaborate to mitigate them.


One of the earliest commandments of G-d to humanity mentioned in the Bible is the commandment to preserve and protect the land. In the Book of Genesis, specifically in Genesis 2:15, it says:


“The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it.”


This early biblical commandment emphasizes stewardship, sustainability, and respecting creation. It highlights our ethical responsibility to protect the environment, acknowledging its interconnectedness with all life.


By honoring this directive, we preserve God’s creation and show gratitude for the gifts bestowed upon us.


Connecting this message to environmental issues urges us to adopt sustainable practices, advocate for conservation, and address challenges like climate change, pollution, and habitat destruction. Embracing our responsibility as caretakers of the Earth leads to a healthier and more sustainable future for all.

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