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Kosher Department


Chief Rabbinate of Cyprus – Kosher Department

The kosher department of the CROC  has been operating for 20 years on the island and provides a response to the widest audience of kosher consumers in Cyprus.

The main activity of the kashrut department is concentrated in restaurants, hotels and catering, while there are also supervisions of productions in factories from time to time.

The Kosher Department of the Chief Rabbinate has two types of designations:

Basic kosher – basic level of kashrut (including cholov stam and pas palter, kosher meat, etc.)

Mehadrin kosher – high level of kosher (for example: only cholov yisroel milk, pas yisroel and glatt kosher meat)

The process of acquiring a kosher certificate consists of a number of steps, including matching the kashrut applicant to the Chief Rabbinate’s standards.

In certain cases, the Rabbinate, at its sole discretion, may decide not to grant a kosher certificate at all.

For more details, you can contact the kashrut department directly

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